Professional Singers and Artists

Do you want to...

  • improve your mental health?
  • bring out your best voice?
  • perform with confidence?

Imagine if...

  • You felt in control of your voice and were able to sing in an easy, intuitive way... even when nervous!

  • You had powerful tools designed specifically for you to improve your mental wellness as an artist

  • You had a beautiful, authentic, unique vocal sound that made you stand out from other singers

  • You were able to publicly perform feeling confident & in the flow, without your inner critic getting in the way

  • You sang with such raw emotion, passion and dynamic energy, that you'd really WOW your audience

  • You were able to show up as your best self and gracefully navigate any curve balls regarding your voice and career

Yeah, would be pretty incredible, right?

Well, give us a few months, and this could actually be your reality.

The Vocal Psychology® Program provides you the tools & techniques to achieve all of the above, and more.



Did someone tell you that singing is only reserved for the naturally gifted??

Girl! Ab-so-lute-ly not.

Singing is a skill.

(that you can learn)

But mostly, it's a mindset.

(that you can learn)

Why a healthy mind is essential to your singing success

This might sound crazy, but MOST of the challenges you face as a singer have an emotional source.

(Yup, not just your performance challenges - such as stage fright, feeling paralyzed, or suddenly forgetting how to breathe when you get nervous -, even your TECHNICAL challenges, such as that annoying voice crack or wobbly falsetto).

Muscles react to our thoughts & beliefs... Poor mental health and self-limiting beliefs ('I can't do it', 'that note is too high', 'I'm embarrassed', etc) create negative tension in your body.

An empowering mindset and positive self-talk will encourage your body to become a more resonant space.

This means you'll finally be able to APPLY healthy vocal technique. Finally you'll be able to produce a soulful, unique sound & give a meaningful, emotional performance.

Singing is

20% skills
80% mindset

Welcome to
The Vocal Psychology® Program


The Vocal Psychology® Program is a private online coaching program of 44 sessions in 12 months, designed to help you sing with ease, soul, confidence and personality.

We are here to turn singers into confident performers.


Each week, you'll be given new technical and/or emotional insights to fully develop your voice, your performance & your mindset.

By the end of the 12 months, you'll have a complete technical framework AND a psychological toolbox to help you tackle *anything* that gets in the way of your beautiful & free singing voice (including the things you keep getting stuck on right now).

(Regardless of your level of stage experience, number of followers, or current knowledge of voice technique.)

The Vocal Psychology Program® is designed to make issues such as voice cracks, stage fright, volume issues & throat tension a thing of the past...

...and make flawless mixed voice, healthy breath control, impressive runs & belt notes, a beautiful & unique tone, and an absolutely compelling delivery your new normal.

All without feeling limited by your inner critic, shyness, nerves, insecurities or feelings of embarrassment.

You'll learn absolutely everything you need to know and do, to sing with your best voice and perform at your full potential.


Between sessions, we set you up with plenty of helpful tools to make progress on your own. Audio exercises, a guided daily warmup, worksheets, you name it...

And if you run into any questions or feel 'stuck', we've got you! Your personal daily practice sheet will help you collect all your challenges, which we will then unpack and find solutions for during our sessions.

But that's not all...

Our unique focus is on your *emotional* experience of singing. If you are "winning" the external game (releasing songs, performing regularly, gaining momentum in your career) but you feel depressed, anxious, intimidated, not deserving, fearful of losing it all, or stressed in any other way... you haven't achieved true success yet.

We want you to feel successful on YOUR terms, and accomplish your internal goals. That means we will define together how you want to FEEL on stage, in the studio, collaborating with other people, winning that Grammy award...

We're here for you every step of the way.


The Vocal Psychology® Program is the perfect combination of vocal technique, performance coaching & mental health support!

And that's why we are achieving amazing results.

Success Stories

When I started the Vocal Psychology program, I had a complete lack of confidence that I could ever be a solo artist. I felt like I didn't belong on stage, even though that's where I wholeheartedly wanted to be. Now, I perform regularly (all over the world!), signed with a record label (currently recording my second EP!), and...I finally feel AMAZING on stage. Maru has such a kind and generous approach to coaching that I value highly. She has always seen the best in me and helped me to find it for myself.


Is This You?

  1. You are a (semi-) professional singer and/or artist but you're not quite sure how to make the absolute most of your gift
  2. You don't like the sound of your voice, you don't feel like a great performer, and/or you just don't feel *special* enough as an artist
  3. There are technical things you haven't quite mastered yet (e.g. powerful mixed voice, healthy breath control, effortless belt notes, easy runs, etc)
  4. You are not showing the world ALL that you're capable of - you know there is more in you as a vocalist and a performer, but you don't know exactly how to unleash it...
  5. You've done some interesting things already as a singer and/or artist, but there is a whole 'nother level that you are determined to reach
  6. You compare yourself to other artists and feel like you don't measure up
  7. Your inner critic is holding you back, and you tend to beat yourself up over it
  8. You don't feel 100% confident about your voice & your performance, and sometimes you even question if you have what it takes at all...

...but at the same time, you *just* know:

Yes, you are good enough.

Your dreams are not naive or unrealistic.

You just need the right tools, the right technique and the right mindset. 
The Vocal Psychology® Program is designed specifically for you.

Vocal Psychology® IS more than 'just' vocal coaching

teaches you vocal and breathing technique but doesn't focus on what is really blocking you, and why teaches you vocal and breathing technique, and helps you figure out the source of your challenges
doesn't analyze with you why it can be challenging to APPLY technique when you are nervous / tired / uncomfortable offers tools to sing & perform anywhere & under any circumstance, even when you're nervous / tired / uncomfortable
progress is usually slow... you may understand the theory, but singing most likely doesn't feel as effortless and free as it could be… (and you might start to think something is wrong with YOU) progress can be incredibly fast! we go to the source of your challenges so that you can APPLY vocal technique in a practical way that actually gives results (sometimes even within 30 min!)
often doesn't speak from real life music industry experience or sometimes doesn’t even have notable experience as a performer speaks from real life experience on stage and in the recording studio, music industry situations / pressures, etc
no concrete help with challenges that you face as a singer concrete help with studio and stage performance, including how to prevent and/or manage 'mistakes', nerves, talking to your audience, improvizing, and anything else that may feel like a challenge in studio or stage setting
assumes that better technique will magically give you more confidence but doesn't teach you HOW to overcome the mindset obstacles that sabotage your voice & performance very focused on cultivating a success mindset, so that you feel ready to perform with confidence under any circumstance
isn't goal-driven, no measurement of results sets measurable goals and subgoals with you
doesn't have a good way to track your development, nor for you to clearly see your progress offers helpful tools to track your internal and external progress
mainly focuses on basic techniques, such as creating volume and singing with power focused on the basics, such as creating volume, mixed voice and singing with power, but also on more refined techniques such as runs, falsetto, storytelling, emotional delivery
talks about finding your voice (which sometimes doesn't even feel like YOUR voice...) we don't try to 'find' your voice, but rather teach you how to ALLOW and polish your natural, authentic voice

gives you the tools 
to not only be an excellent singer,
 but also a confident performer. A compelling artist. A happier human being.

Here's what you get

  • 1:1 Mentorship

    We hold weekly private video calls to provide in-depth coaching for your specific voice. We work towards your big singing goals, and work on removing what's in the way to achieving them.

  • Next level technique

    Vocal technique, explained in a way that's easy to understand. Your voice is GORGEOUS. If you don't sound the way you want to sound, you just haven't found the right technique yet. We keep going until it clicks and you really GET it. Not only that, we're going to go to the root cause of why certain things feel challenging.

  • Reframe limiting beliefs

    Certain thoughts & beliefs (such as perfectionism or imposter syndrome) create tension in your body, and that tension makes it challenging to sing in a healthy way. We'll give you tools to cultivate a strong success mindset that makes singing easy and helps you achieve your goals.

Ready to dive deep?

We use techniques rooted in psychology & NLP, so... don't be surprised if you experience a lot of self-healing along the way.

However, it's not therapy: everything we do is in service of your voice.

  • Find your unique sound

    With your authentic voice as the foundation, we help you find new ways of using your voice until you find a 'sound', a tone and a way of emoting that feels right. We experiment with different textures and frequencies, but always always ALWAYS honor your natural voice.

  • Concrete & measurable goals

    We set measurable goals, make progress in your tempo AND offer a simple & effective way to track that progress. But we don't stop there: I want you to understand the WHY underneath your goals. What are you reeeeeally longing for? We define all the steps we need to take to get there, and set you up for success on your terms.

  • Perform with confidence

    We help you trust your voice, so you can perform with confidence, joy and freedom! You'll learn how to make being on stage a fun and empowering experience for yourself, even when you're nervous, tired or sad AND we'll give you the tools to create a magical experience for your audience... every time!

Here's what happens when you apply

You fill out a simple application form

You receive a scheduling link (where you can book a free intro session with me).

During this intro session - the Strategy Session - we talk about your goals & challenges,
and you get to ask me all about the program.

If we both feel that we're a good match, I'll invite you to join the program.
If we are not 100% sure that we’re a match, I’ll still point you in the right direction of where you want to go and we will part ways.

So you've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Success Stories

Untitled design-2

'Maru is an incredible coach. Soon after my first two months with her I started releasing music and through the ups and downs of pregnancy and motherhood, she guided me and kept me on track. Her technique is unique in the fact that she works with the mind and the body to bring out your best authentic voice (and self!) She has not only become my coach but my mentor and friend. I hope we can work together for many years!'


Still not sure if this would work for you?

After 10+ years of coaching singers, I know exactly if the Vocal Psychology® program will work for you.

My best performing clients, the ones who makes fast and lasting progress all share these qualities:


when it comes to practicing as well as our 1:1 sessions. For the best results and most explosive growth, you'll practice daily and do a coaching session weekly.


about your own progress.
You feel responsible for your own growth. You implement what you learn. You do your homework. You show up for yourself.



to take small steps out of your comfort zone. You're cool with making silly sounds. You are ready to dive deep and get vulnerable. You recognize that *that* is how you'll grow.


about investing in yourself because you're...


to become the absolute best version of yourself

Is that you?

Then I can guarantee you this:

By the end of the Vocal Psychology Program®, you will:

  • understand your body & mind as a complete vocal system

have a foolproof singing system that not only covers the basics, but also advanced vocal techniques (such as high belting, mixed voice, falsetto)

understand the techniques for positive reprogramming of your brain, and the positive re-framing of your fears & insecurities (such as severe stage fright, or impostor syndrome)
  • have more confidence, ease & joy; more trust in yourself and the process
  • have more compassion for yourself; understand how to live peacefully with your inner critic
  • know how to create magical performances, where you truly connect with your audience

have a solid strategy to genuinely move listeners with your singing voice
  • understand what it means to 'let go' when you sing and how to do it in a way that helps you sound better

understand how to solve any problem regarding your voice, mindset & performance,

have the tools to overcome your fear of messing up / making mistakes
  • have 

a 1:1 mentor to support you in reaching your goals.

...and your only regret will be that you didn't apply sooner 😉

Success Stories


"Maru has helped me believe in myself again and to see my worth as an artist and songwriter. Now, I have faith in that this is what I am meant to do. I know that I have something to share with the world. I'm loving both my flaws and strengths more than ever. I have become a lot kinder to myself, which has helped me achieve what I want in the recording process. With Maru's coaching I can now make things sound the way I want, the way I truly feel, which I only heard in my head before. Her techniques have helped me to sing in ways I never thought I could.'


Meet Your Coach


You're probably curious who is going to dive into your deepest darkest secrets with you, and help you overcome your greatest fears & insecurities? Who is going to guide you towards excellence and awesomeness??

Hi, I'm MARU! Creator of the Vocal Psychology® program – a no-nonsense, results-driven approach designed to help professional singers and speakers master their voice and their mindset. Why? Because I’ve been where you are: chasing excellence, battling the inner critic, and figuring out how to level up when the stakes are high.

After obtaining my Master's Degree in Cognitive Psychology, I could no longer deny that music was my real passion in life.

Let’s rewind a bit. I earned my Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology and was on track to become a psychologist. But the pull of music was too strong.

So, I jumped off the ‘safe’ career train, marched into the deep end of the music industry, and started my own journey. Along the way, I learned something crucial: technique isn’t everything. Your mindset is. I didn’t just learn to sing well; I learned to think like a top performer.

That mindset shift opened doors I never dreamed of.

In 2011, I signed with Sony Music Publishing as a singer/songwriter and began working in legendary studios with the kinds of producers, artists, and songwriters I used to have posters of on my walls. From international shows to major label releases, chart-topping songs to starring in my own music videos, I’ve seen firsthand what’s possible when you combine technical mastery with bulletproof confidence.

But here’s the kicker: I realized that no matter how seasoned or successful my peers and clients were, we all faced the same mental hurdles. Stage fright. Impostor syndrome. The voice in your head whispering, “You’re not enough.”

That’s when Vocal Psychology® was born. I designed it specifically for high-achieving singers and speakers who are ready to own their voice – not just technically, but emotionally and mentally too. Through this program, I’ve helped hundreds of pros rewire their thinking, overcome creative blocks, and perform with unshakable authenticity.

So, what’s the bottom line? I’m here to help you bring out the best in your voice – and yourself. Whether you’re speaking to a packed auditorium or performing on a world stage, I’ll help you find that sweet spot where preparation meets courage, where discipline meets freedom, and where your unique sound becomes unforgettable.

Ready to shine? Let’s do this.

Meet Your Coach


You're probably curious who is going to dive into your deepest darkest secrets with you, and help you overcome your greatest fears & insecurities? Who is going to guide you towards excellence and awesomeness??

Hi! I'm MARU, and I created the Vocal Psychology program. Why? Because it's exactly the program I wish I had had when I felt insecure as a singer... Trust me, I *know* how it feels to be you.

After obtaining my Master's Degree in Cognitive Psychology, I could no longer deny that music was my real passion in life.

I quit my job as a psychologist and started my own personal development journey. I took lessons from the best singing teacher in the country AND used the knowledge and experience to train my mindset.

I learned how to sing like a good singer, but -maybe even more importantly- I learned how to THINK like a good singer.

Because of this combination, I was able to create success for myself.

I signed with Sony/ATV in 2011 as a singer/songwriter. Since then, I have been blessed enough to work at the most iconic recording studios, with top producers, artists and songwriters - people I've looked up to since I was a little girl. I've performed all over the world, released international songs under major labels, had songs in heavy rotation on national radio, starred in my own music videos, have done things I could only dreeeeeam of a few years prior to my radical career switch, and...

I have also has successfully coached hundreds of singers (beginners and professionals) since 2008, to follow *their* dreams.

I noticed something fascinating when I was working with these singers: technique was only a small part of what my clients really needed in order to grow. There were constant discoveries of self-limiting beliefs that we absolutely had to address before we could go to a next level vocally. The obstacles were mostly between the ears.

Out of this need, the Vocal Psychology® coaching program was born. This new way of thinking about singing changed my life in a spectacular way, and the vocal coaching system that developed from it has profoundly helped my students as well.

I'm committed to bringing out the best in each unique voice and person. And I would love for you to start giving yourself permission to shine. To have the courage to get out of your comfort zone, and find out what magical things you are capable of!

Here are the available payment plans:

Introductory Deep Dive

$300 1 payment
  • 120-minute intensive coaching
  • Deep focus on emotional root
  • Authentic voice discovery
  • Practical vocal & mindset tools
  • Actionable next steps
  • Safe, risk-free exploration

Vocal Psychology® program

$925 12 monthly payments
  • 44 one-on-one sessions
  • Measurable vocal goals + tracking
  • Advanced vocal technique
  • Mindset reprogramming tools
  • Vocal brand development
  • Repeatable solutions for any challenge

Your Alternatives

Traditional vocal coaching|
(you'll learn about technique, maybe a little performance coaching, but definitely no in-depth mindset coaching)

Mindset coaching
(you'll get mindset coaching, but definitely no voice training)

Follow your own path
(watch a million Youtube tutorials, read books & articles, and put small pieces of - often conflicting - information together to figure out your singing & performing formula. This is what I did... but maaaan, it took a REALLY long time)

you can go to that next level in a matter of months

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What some of my CURRENT CLIENTS have to say about taking the leap:

After my first Vocal Psychology® session, I stayed because of how kind, loving and gentle she was, how comfortable Maru made me feel, and how much I learned. I was hooked.

Vocal Psychology® client

Don't think twice. The Vocal Psychology® Program will help you in every way, not only as a singer, but as a human. Maru is both an amazing vocal coach and life coach. She can make everyone feel safe and loved, to see their worth and find their voice.

Vocal Psychology® client

The Vocal Psychology® Program definitely is not only about singing - it involves body and soul equally. 
I'm really happy that I can call Maru my coach, because I can be super open with her. We work together on getting the best out of my individual potential (instead of trying to become a copy of someone else).

Vocal Psychology® client

I'm so happy I signed up for the Vocal Psychology® Program; I wasn't sure it would be worth the money, but it has exceeded my best expectations!
 I seem to have a breakthrough every time we meet. It's very exciting to feel such rapid progress.

Vocal Psychology® client

Do you want to set your voice free?

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